Wednesday 11 July 2007


Well I thought why not. So I did. There is an Emmerdale group in there too!! it seems Emmerdale gets everywhere. Then again my local MP has a profile on there not that he has accepted me as a friend yet..... Well I have met him once or twice. Maybe that doesn't count.

Still back to Emmerdale. I am hopefully going on th FCW next year. So will have to start the count downon the board soon. Maybe I'm going to have to start making lists again I'm getting behind on a lot of things. Then I blame the weather and the TCVS. Well got to blame something.! Can't just be lazyitis then again who knows.

Ali sent me the dates of the footy matches. I don't think I'll be able to make any of them, but am still aiming for Branston or Ackworth or even hopefully both. See how things go. Next week though it's Sweden. I may even manage an episode over there!!

Sunday 1 July 2007

Time gone?

Well where has it gone? I think the last time I wrote here was after the FCW. Tom King had not long been murdered then. But now the audience and some of the characters know who it was, but soaps being soaps how much longer can it be before everyone knows?

With the Summer comes lots of charity events the cast and crew join in with there has already been some football and cricket matches. There are still more to come. Then there was Aberdeen. I will get up there one year it sounds like a fun weekend.