Tuesday 20 November 2007

Where has time gone?

It's really been one of those years. I've not even finished putting the Cricket pictures up yet. Slow or what?
Tonight was another hour special. How many is that in the last few months? If Emmerdale has to be on 6 nights a week the programme schedulers could at least leave it to the regular time rather than try and win this out dated ratings war in the evening. All it does is upset viewers who watch all soaps. Now days they are repeated so many times does it really matter which one is watched at the set time? So it's not true ratings at all.
In fact it would be better for me to have Emmerdale on two nights a week for an hour but there you go viewers don't really count just the advertisers these days. Though one would have thought that the advertisers would want what the viewers want or is that too simple a thing?

The programme itself, well there's to be changes up ahead, the producer Kath Beedles is to be leaving next year and another female stepping into her shoes. What changes lie ahead? Kath seems to have bought more of the countryside into Emmerdale so I hope that continues also the small but still significant farming stories such as Jo's goats and the petting zoo. I never did work out if the zoo was supposed to be permanent or a one day feature. the latter I guess, though to make it permanent would be something as Esholt where filming was before the purpose built village has something similar for the children. Nice to to see there can be at least one happy well in fact there are two happy pairs in the village, Lisa and Zak also Ashley and Laurel the latter could be going through what many newlyweds do "in laws!!"
Now the choices for tonight, put up those pictures, go out in the rain and get milk which I need, or play in facebook then again apart form a couple of sites that need updating the ironing keeps calling me. Help!!!!

Friday 14 September 2007

Long break

I'm a useless blogger, things keep getting in the way to me sitting here typing. I'm not even keep the site upto date as much as I would like. Though I managed to get to a couple of cricket matches this year. Was good to catch up with friends again.

The cricket was fun the first match was at Branston. I was suprised how relaxed it was. I did feel sorry for the BBQ volunteers, the fire they had was miles to small for the amount of people waiting for burgers. But they carried on in the heat having to restock every 20 minutes.

The next weekend was at Ackworth, that again was very relaxed. We only stayed for the first innings though as we went to Garforth and caught the second half of the football.
Having seen Verity and Lucy at least three times in as many days, I'm sure they must have thought we were stalkers or something. Still they shouldn't worry as we wont be there again until February. I learnt over the last weekend that the same people go and stand outside the studio weekly or even more often.

One of the places we went to was the bookies where Marlon was shot. It was a real bookies on an estate. I'd never find it again as I wasn't driving.
I just hope the next oen doesn't take as long to get up..... but with me, it could be Christmas before I get here again, then again didn't I hear Christmas is cancelled this year?

Wednesday 11 July 2007


Well I thought why not. So I did. There is an Emmerdale group in there too!! it seems Emmerdale gets everywhere. Then again my local MP has a profile on there not that he has accepted me as a friend yet..... Well I have met him once or twice. Maybe that doesn't count.

Still back to Emmerdale. I am hopefully going on th FCW next year. So will have to start the count downon the board soon. Maybe I'm going to have to start making lists again I'm getting behind on a lot of things. Then I blame the weather and the TCVS. Well got to blame something.! Can't just be lazyitis then again who knows.

Ali sent me the dates of the footy matches. I don't think I'll be able to make any of them, but am still aiming for Branston or Ackworth or even hopefully both. See how things go. Next week though it's Sweden. I may even manage an episode over there!!

Sunday 1 July 2007

Time gone?

Well where has it gone? I think the last time I wrote here was after the FCW. Tom King had not long been murdered then. But now the audience and some of the characters know who it was, but soaps being soaps how much longer can it be before everyone knows?

With the Summer comes lots of charity events the cast and crew join in with there has already been some football and cricket matches. There are still more to come. Then there was Aberdeen. I will get up there one year it sounds like a fun weekend.

Sunday 28 January 2007

ok not quite the next day but I've been adding pics to the website. so we were all safely at the hotel all 125 of us. One day I'll make a list of names and see how many I do know rather than just faces. About 6.30ish we met downstairs at the bar. The drinks reception started at 7pm, there was also a welcome by Tim who informed us a film crew would be with us some of the weekend, they were getting footage for a new daytime show on ITV1.
Six cast joined us before dinner as they had other comitments Saturday. One of those was supporting Haley in soapstar superstar. Paula turned up whilst dinner was being eaten. She had not long finished filming and was on her way home for a weekends rest. After drinks in the bar it was up to the tower, to sleep and up early for the next day. Mind you after having a kingsize bed to myself, at home the single bed was like lying on the edge of a shelf.
Saturday was a trip to the props room, studios, Homefarm to see Tim Fee shot and a talk by Richard Ellis the interactive man at Emmerdale. He explained the ins and outs of the game.
After which it was up and change for the evening.

Friday 19 January 2007


Well what's happening to the year? It's been a week since the FCW and I've not yet got the pictures up. Still theres time yet all the time in the world. Mind you this year I did it different, I went a long way around and picked up Clare, that put just over an hour on the journey, and I'd never been on the M11 before. Mind you the A12 has a bettter serface. It was on the motorway the rain came down, it was as though someone was throwing buckets of water at the windscreen, I'd never drivine in such rain before. After a couple of stops we arrived at SouthernBelle and Falcons. Had a take away delivered and watched Emmerdale, or at least tried to it watch there was a lot of talking, but it was ok we watched it again later thanks to skyplus. One thing shadowed the reunion, that was the Helen, the ferry from the IOW was cancelled so we had to wait until Friday morning to see if she wcould make it. Good news came the following morning, she had missed her coach and lost her money on that but was able to get a train straight through to Leeds, Falcon and SouthernBelle went to pic her up after we had booked into the Weetwood at lunch time. Good.bad news for me, I was put in the tower again. The good news its a bigger room that the singles downstairs, bad news it's three flights up and the easiest way to it is the stairs rather that the lift. ....... I'll add some mnore of the weekend to morrow I think.

Saturday 6 January 2007

Well not long now until the FCW, am I anywhere near ready? Nope!! Well I've worked out my route, I'm picking Claire up on the way so it's a bit different from normal. Horrid country roads rather than nice duel carriageways. Still it's all an experience. Tomorrow I'll make sure my batteries are charged, and maybe hunt for something to wear.
After really having screwed up the Emmerdale game is back on again, I think there were a lot more people playing it that was expected. The ITV forums have leapt from about 20 people online to sometimes over 1000. It could be said then that for every one that goes to the forums for clues and chat on the game there will be 1 or 2 that don't. they server load must be heavy. I've also be told there was a security hole that had to be plugged, that helped cause the problems. I think I was lucky. after hearing of points gone missing and the site not running right I decided not to log in. When I did everything was ok, however those who logged in when the trouble was about seem to be having problems with their clues and missing objects.

Monday 1 January 2007


I don't know where the last week went. Infact all of December was a blur, still new year new plot.
Though how it's going to hold up for 20 weeks without turning Emmerdale into a detective series I'll don't know.
So far then we have Bob confessed because he thinks Jamie murdered Tom King. Jamie acting shifty and saying he knew Bob didn't do it.
Then there is the game, after last weeks start with falling down servers I think that it could well be working ok now. I do know every time I go to the ITV messeges boards that there are over 400 viewing the who killed Tom King threads. I can't understand why people don't want to have a go at the clues first before shouting for them only an hour after being put up..... a sign of the times and the impatience to work at something?